Administration of Technical Agricultural Services (ASTA)

The Administration

The Administration of Technical Agricultural Services (Administration des services techniques de l'agriculture – ASTA) was set up in 1967.

However, its origins date back to the law of 28 February 1883 concerning the organisation of the agricultural service.

ASTA operates under the authority of the member of the Government whose remit includes the Department of Agriculture. 

Its tasks are defined in the Law of 30 November 1976 concerning its reorganisation.


ASTA's tasks include, within the limits fixed by the applicable laws and regulations, and without prejudice to the statutory and regulatory provisions laying down the attributions of other State bodies, the following tasks in particular:

  • furthering technical progress in the field of agriculture, orienting and developing animal and plant production, encouraging productivity and stimulating cooperation in the agricultural sector;
  • tackling issues relating to agricultural land, farm buildings, mechanisation of agricultural holdings, land use and rural planning, rural roads, meteorology and the environment in the agricultural field;
  • promoting the quality of agricultural products and carrying out analyses relating to the composition and quality of agricultural products and means of production;
  • ensuring compliance with the legislative and regulatory stipulations relating to agricultural products and means of production, plant protection and the protection of plant products; monitoring the application of legislation relating to agricultural and trade union associations;
  • participating in the drawing-up and application of EU rules.

Organisation chart 

In addition to the Director, the administration comprises four divisions, as well as the department for Legal Affairs and Quality Management.

It should be noted that the respective tasks of the various departments, as provided for by Article 3 of the Law of 30 November 1976 on the reorganisation of the Administration of Technical Agricultural Services, are determined by Grand-Ducal Regulation.

Administrative and Technical Division

The Administrative and Technical Division ensures the smooth running of the other administrative divisions by providing various administrative and technical services, including human resources, accounting, IT support, janitorial services, etc.

Directory: Administrative and Technical Division

Rural Engineering Division

The Rural Engineering Division is comprised of the departments chiefly responsible for the improvement of production and operating factors, such as land and farm buildings, and rural road works and repairs carried out for and on behalf of the State, municipalities and trade union associations, namely:

– at the central level:

  • the GIS department,
  • the Meteorology department,
  • the Structural Improvements department;

– at the regional level:

  • two regional departments.

The areas covered by the various districts, and the location of their headquarters, are determined by Grand-Ducal Regulation. The number thereof may likewise be modified by Grand-Ducal Regulation.

Directory: Rural Engineering Division

Agronomics Division

The Agronomics Division is composed of the departments involved in the improvement of agricultural productivity and the quality of products, namely:

  • the department of livestock production,
  • the department of plant production,
  • the department of organic farming,
  • the department of horticulture,
  • the department of plant protection,
  • the department of seed and plant propagating material certification,
  • the department of agri- environment, research and innovation.

Directory: Agronomics Division

Control and Test Laboratories Division

The Control and Test Laboratories Division is comprised of the departments tasked with checking agricultural products and means of production from a quantitative and qualitative standpoint, namely:

  • the department for coordination and support,
  • the department for the analysis of fertiliser, animal feed and alcohol,
  • the department for fodder analysis,
  • the department for soil analysis,
  • the department for milk analysis,
  • the department for seed control and analysis,
  • the department for animal feed control (Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration),
  • the department for plant pathology.

Directory: Control and Test Laboratories Division